For PCs & Macs
Advanced security for laptops and workstations alike.
Protecting critical data across all PCs, mobile devices, and USBs is a 24/7/365 responsibility. Bad actors don’t take breaks—you need a managed device security solution that works around the clock for you. RiskResponder™ is built to do just that. What protections do you need in place when environmental or behavioral risks exceed acceptable thresholds?
The BeachheadSecure cloud-based platform provides a straightforward and intuitive way to manage encryption, remote data access control, endpoint security, and more—for all of your critical business devices and data.
Customer-managed BeachheadSecure® can be purchased as a pre-paid subscription in either one or three-year terms to qualifying businesses. Contact Beachhead sales for more information.
Trained Beachhead-authorized reseller partners offer BeachheadSecure as a monthly managed service, often with a co-managed (CoMITs) option available.
Explore our growing library of resources including sales sheets, white papers, and more. While you're at it—stay up to date on the latest cyber threats and security trends.
Encryption alone will not protect remote data if access credentials are compromised. Then what? BeachheadSecure delivers instant remote data access control, with data access removal or restoration enabled with one click from the console.
The work-from-anywhere phenomenon is here to stay – but that means even less visibility into where and who are using devices with sensitive data. With BeachheadSecure, you can see where your devices are and know that the data on them is protected and secure. If any threat is detected, BeachheadSecure immediately removes access to data on that device. RiskResponder is constantly measuring risks and taking instant and automated defensive action against data compromise.
BeachheadSecure provides many data risk mitigation tools appropriate for the level of risk. Killing remote data is often the chosen approach when you know a device is stolen (it isn’t coming back), but quarantine (executed with a click) could be appropriate when you’re just not sure. Instant data access removal and restoration is available on the BeachheadSecure administration console.
Encryption, while absolutely necessary, is not complete data protection. Any encryption is defeated if the device’s credentials are compromised. Nefarious insider risk, employees who’ve quit or have been terminated, and poor user security practice must be met with the removal of access to local data. Whether the administrator performs this from the console or whether RiskResponder automatically withholds access because a risk threshold has been exceeded, protection beyond encryption is necessary.
Defending the secrecy and integrity of your data – wherever it may be – is literally a button push from the administration console. Deploy BeachheadSecure’s RiskReponder and the response is even faster…it’s immediate. RiskResponder provides instant and automatic data security measures whenever risks exceed acceptable and pre-set thresholds.